इससे सस्ता यहाँ नहीं। अभी नहीं तो कभी नहीं 3bhk 2nd floor Vikalp Apartments

Step inside this affordable yet luxurious 3BHK apartment positioned on the 2nd bottom of Vikalp apartment in IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi. Boasting a corner three- sided open design, complete woodwork, POP electric fittings, and a covered plinth area of97.50 sq measures, this property is a dream come true. snare this occasion to enjoy your own slice of paradise at a price of just 1 crore.#DelhiProperty#DreamHome#investmentopportunity#DelhiRealEstate#LuxuryApartment#PropertyForSale#DelhiLiving#ModernHome#realestateinvestment REACH US Office No- 9, Ground Floor,A-27, Street Number 2, Madhu Vihar,I.P.Extension, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092 CONTACT US MOBILE NUMBER- 919899226354 [email protected] affordable yet luxurious, 3BHK, apartment, Vikalp apartment, i IP Extension, Patparganj, Delhi. three- sided open design, complete woodwork, POP electric fittings, covered plinth area of97.50 sq measures, property is a dream come true, snare this occasion, enjoy your own slice, paradise at a price of just 1 crore,#DelhiProperty,#DreamHome,#investmentopportunity,#DelhiRealEstate,#LuxuryApartment,#PropertyForSale,#DelhiLiving,#ModernHome,#realestateinvestment, kushwaha property, 3bhk99

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